I had it ALL

I shoot stories of successful people who lost everything overnight.
What is going through a once successful person in distress? What allows him to find the strength to fight again?

I was searching for answers to these questions first of all in myself. I had it all - good job, successful husband, wealth, allowing comprehensive development of children, family travel. However, not everything is subject to calculations and the crisis has crept into our business. At one point my husband and I lost our jobs and wealth. The hardest thing was to deprive the children of what they had. Their sports activities, success had to leave in the past. Driving by car became a luxury. Thoughts on how to survive eclipsed thoughts about relationships. I wanted to find the remnants of the past.

Interesting, few people knew about the degree of what happened in my life, as well as in the lives of the heroes. Sufferings and pain were hidden. Only fear remained. With him was the most brutal fight. To admit that it hurts, to realize the situation - this is what primarily allowed you not to fall into depression. Direct conversation with myself gave answers to what I want and what is really possible, and what to do to move forward. This approach helped to open up in the new work, which could hardly have happened if it had not been for such a collapse.

All heroes and their stories have no end. But there is a rethinking of life values, adaptation to a new life and role. Perhaps, even more successful than the one that was previously.


The feeling of happiness, an exemplary family, mutual with husband business - everything collapsed in an instant. My message to my husband that another person is caring for me was received almost with a joy. I realized that I was not needed, that business and daily graft were more important for my husband than me and family. I left with the children and one suitcase. It seemed to everyone around that it was crazy to refuse all benefits. My parents believed that it was possible to live without love, took a categorical position and even tried to deprive me of maternal rights ... I really wanted to run away from problems, hide in order not to see even my shadow and reflection. I do not know how I found the strength to look around, see the sky and the stars, see the person for whom my children and I became important .. We tried to arrange life for the children first of all - themselves slept on the floor, washed manually... Now I recollect this with a smile. Together, we built a business from zero. Most importantly, there was trust and faith. Whatever happened, my heart remained open, sincere and I knew for sure that I was going in the right direction!


“The fact that my husband has cancer of muscle tissue and he has only half a year to live, we learned by chance. We refused to believe. We did not doubt that we could overcome everything. So it was, the disease unusually brought us together. Half a year passed, then the second, then the following ... And then he was gone

For some time me was gone as well. It seemed that I was out of space and time. Another blow was the news that the brother of my husband laid down our apartment. And I had nowhere to live. Work was the only thing left ... The train. The sound of the wheels seemed to be counting my happy days ... New places, work did not help much. As it was empty, so it remained. Wound time did not heal. But I knew that the future depended only on me. I flew to Jerusalem, wept at the Wailing Wall. Probably this was the moment when I was able to accept everything as it was.

The way out is where you create it yourself. I work on my own.


My story is simple. Business collapsed - the family collapsed.

Probably, everything seems so easy after a while. I had much to experience and go through. I remember one moment when I was lying and felt that heat was coming out of me. Everything was mixed up in a big tangle of problems. Checks at work, scandals at home, maternal illness. .. There was a feeling that I was surrounded from all sides. Business came to an end, then the wife decided that she did not want to be near ... I most worried about the children. It was good that they were old enough and understand everything.

Not fall into depression and find strength helped the usual sense of humor and, surprisingly, our nature. That's for sure, the love of my life, my strength and inspiration!

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